"My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary." ~ Martin Luther

Music provides each worshiper the opportunity to offer up their voice in joyful praise to God. We have a variety of musical groups at Trinity with musical styles ranging from classical to modern.

Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is open to all singers from early teens on up. They rehearse each Friday and Sunday mornings from 9-10 AM. Interested in joining? Contact Greg Panten

Contemporary Worship Band
Trinity's worship band leads the 9:00 AM contemporary service each Sunday. Their music--featuring powerful vocals, guitars, keyboards, and drums--is energetic and expressive.

Bell Choir
Rehearsal is every Friday. Interested in joining? Contact Greg Panten

Special Music
We are always looking for experienced soloists (vocal and instrumental), dancers, and readers. If you have a talent you would like to share with the congregation, please let us know by contacting the church office